Commercial Fitness Tool
Here are the types of fitness equipment usually found in places gym or fitness center. Usually can be used to hire or use a card member.
Butterfly machine
How to use this tool by going to the front and rear, just flapping of butterfly wings. This tool is useful for Pectoralis muscles (chest muscles), especially the middle. This is one of the fans favorite fitness tools. Average price of Rp. 9000000-12000000.
Chest Press Machine
The use of this tool by pushing forward that is the focus of his training. The advantage is that the handle shape allows thrust vertically or horizontally to give the effect of different pressure on the chest muscles. Its function is to train the center of the chest muscle (Pectoralis). Price ranges 9000000-12000000 tool.
Leg Press, Leg Extension and Leg Curl
In fitness centers, these tools can be said that must be used because there is always at most fitness centers. Benefits of these tools to train and Vastus Medial quadriceps (thigh muscles. For leg press small size, the price of Rp. 9. 500000-11000000
Rowing Machine
Tool steel with a thickness of approximately 2 mm with an internal load plate weighing 75 kg is also a mandatory tool in the fitness center. Tool to train the back muscles / wing (trapecius). The price offered for the tool is usually between Rp. 8500000-10000000
Bench press
This tool is equipped with a safety hook to ensure the safety of the tool holder when it is used. You can adjust the seat position benchnya as desired (flat or incline). Its function is to train the chest muscles (chest) section above. middle and bottom. It costs Rp. 2500000-4500000
Twister Chair devoted to commercial fitness centers, the usefulness of this tool to train the side abdominal muscles. Prices between Rp. 2700000-3500000.
Sit up
These devices are usually designed to cushion the head lower than feet, with leg hook. This tool is useful to assist the formation of abdominal muscle exercises. Prices range from Rp. 1500000-3500000.
Back up / roman chair
This tool is used to train the lower back muscles, but also to target the gluteus muscles and the stomach. Price range from 2500000-3500000.
Fitness Home appliance use
You can select the type tool if you did not get into the fitness center. Tools are included in the category of home use, are usually used individually in their homes. Generally, the exercise of these tools to lose weight or just maintain health.
Jogger is a tool that can help us to practice running (jogging). Well, to choose a treadmill Multy function, because it not only serves as a jogging area, but also has other functions such as the engine massager Massager or as a destroyer of fat in the waist and hips. The price for this Jogger is usually between Rp. 3800000-4800000.
Power rider
The focus of the training emphasis of this tool in the thigh muscles, hips and arms. The tool is shaped like a bicycle. When used, our movement will be like riding a horse, it can provide results that intense workout for your heart. The price offered is around Rp. 1300000-2500000.
Exercise bike
Spinning wheels and can be set either manually or automatically is a difference this tool with Power rider. In addition to good heart, this tool is also great for the formation of the thigh and calf muscles. The price for a bike exercixe between Rp. 6500000-8500000
Freestyle glider
Leg exercises are the focus of this tool. Either to form the calf muscles and feet, are also able to burn calories. This tool is usually equipped with a heart rate monitor, distance, count, calories burned. They cost between Rp. 2200000-3500000.
Not only fitness equipment needed to maintain health. ClubOn, see also on this page that describes a variety of health tips about how natural health, diet, healthy food, and much more.