Lately, more and more crowded world with Trend bike gowes Hybrid (Hybrid Bike). So what is a hybrid bike?
Hybird bike is a characteristic of the combined Roadbike dengank karkteristik MTB bicycle bike resulting in a powerful new character, comfort is also capable of driving faster than the bike MTB street asphalt plain.
Polygon is one of the original bike brands Indonesiayang producing bicycles, the brand is famous not only in Indonesia, as well as Asia-Pasifick Polygon know. Variety of product types including polygon made mountain bikes and racing bikes. Not limited to, the Polygon Bike Hybrid also issued.
Hybrid bikes are perfect for commuting on paved roads. Bike to work, go to school or just exercise.
Wheel diameter is made larger than standard MTB Hybrid to pace faster dilintasan Polygon asphalt. handlebar position also tdak too bent like a roadbike (bicycle racing), making it very popular with Hybrid Polygon gowesser / komutter.
Here are some hybrid bicycle manufacturer polygon:
A. Polygon Orion
2. Polygon Vintage
3. Polygon Trexia
4. Polygon Waltz
5. Polygon Xabre
6. Polygon Galleon
7. Heist 1.0
8. Heist 2.0
9. Polygon Heist 3.0
10. Polygon Heist 4.0
11. Polygon Heist 5.0
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