Saturday, August 4, 2012

Aurora Allah

Anyway, it turns out the earth we save a million wonderful things that may have never met, heard or seen. Well here I'll share a little about the natural phenomena that occur on our earth. A wonderful phenomenon that's a shame to be passed. A miracle that we may never realize. This is one of the signs of His power.
Our Sun constantly emits particles are electrically charged particle. Particle particle movement is causing the solar wind (solar wind) and very berbahayabagi humans. Therefore, the inventor has created a magnetic field pertikeltersebut weeks to catch particles that are not on the surface of the earth (man).
however, in the earth's magnetic poles there are areas where this particle segian pass to the Earth's atmosphere. These particles will strike the gas atoms in the Earth's atmosphere so that the atoms emit light in various aurora.warna call that caused the light depends on the type of gas in the atmosphere. At an altitude of about 200 km, the dominant color is red and green. While at an altitude of about 100 km of Domina is birudan purple color.
The number of aurora depends on the amount of solar wind. In 2010 and 2012 the solar wind will be quite a lot so we will see stout pole dancing aurora near the north and south. Aurora does not happen on the moon because the moon has no atmosphere.
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